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Here at Limited Edition we aim to give you the best tattoo you could possibly wish for, whether it be an original piece, an idea of your own, or even a cover up of a unwanted existing tattoo. We take into consideration the wants and needs of each of our clients and then use our expertise to create an individual piece of artwork that looks great, fits perfectly, and lasts a lifetime. 

Our artists all work in different styles and are all happy to have a chat about your plans and ideas in order to work with them to give you exactly what you’re after.


Unfortunately we cannot accept appointments over the phone as we require a deposit to do so. However we can accept Paypal transfer to make an appointment over the internet, or just by using the old fashioned way and coming in to see us and make an appointment in person.


Our Tattoo Artists price by piece if it can be completed in one go, or a flat rate of £400 per day. Often designs can be given a total price at the time of booking which will never go up, even if we overrun on the presumed time scale.
However, when booking, please ensure you can complete the total time you are booking in for, as the full appointment will be required to be paid, even if you choose to finish your session early. 


We require £40 per hour booked, or 50% on any quote £100 or less, as a deposit with all of our artists. 


We can change an appointment with 48 hours notice of your appointment time, but we can only do this once. A second change will mean that you lose your initial deposit and you will be required to pay 100% of the tattoo as a deposit to book again.

Please do not make a booking unless you are sure you want the tattoo and you can make your appointment. 



We do a lot of cover ups in the studio, from large to small, light to dark. There are limitations, however, as to what can be done with an old tattoo depending on what it is you're wanting, and we will not do a cover up if we are not sure it will cover or do whgat you're wanting it to do. But we are willing to work with you on ideas and designs to make sure you get something that works, and that you love. Pop into the studio to discuss your options or email to find out when would be best to pop in. 


All artists are happy to tattoo translations of quotes or words into other languages, however they are not bi-lingual, therefore they respectfully request that you check, check and check again that all of your translations are accurate, always remembering that the internet is written by other people and is not aways the most reliable source. If you have access to someone who is a native speaker of the language you have chosen for your tattoo, then they are the best people to ask to check your translation for you. None of the artists, nor the studio accept any responsibility for incorrectly translated tattoos, this is not part of our job. 


We are happy for you to bring a friend with you to your appointment, however the studio does get a little crowded when we have all of our artists working at the same time, all of whom have company with them. So we ask you limit this to 1 friend to accompany you. 
In regards to children, we do not have the facilities or insurance to cover anyone under 18 years old in the tattoo room, no matter how well behaved they are. You must ensure you have adequate childcare for your tattoo appointment as we will not be able to do your tattoo if you have brought children with you.

Tattoo Quotes
Tattoo Script
Tattoo Lettering


Please note that all of our tattoo artists are self employed and use Limited Edition studio as their base to create their work from.

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